Wazifa for Beauty
Wajifa for Beauty and attractive face is approved and tested Wazifa that works very fast. Everyone wishes to be attractive and beautiful because people are attracted to beautiful faces. By reading this Wazifa you can get a very special glow on your face and then everyone will be attracted towards you. People will remain curious to talk to you and will appreciate your beauty.
Beautiful faces remain in attraction in parties and crowds. To be in the glamour world you can read this Wazifa and can make your career as a Model. This wazifa will give a glow on your face that will enhance your personality and overall attitude among the people. This Wajifa can also be used to remove skin problems and for skincare. All types of soil problems can be removed and you can also read this wazifa for very beautiful face.
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Material required for Wazifa for Beauty and Attractive face :-
1. Rose Water.
2. Rose petals.
3. One bowl.
4. Some water.
5. Sandalwood powder.
Method of reading Wazifa for beauty and attractive face :-
1. First pour some water into the bowl.
2. Now pour Rose water into the water.
3. After that put some Rose petals in the water.
4. Now start reading Surat Al Imran(Aayet no.107) for 11 times.
Maa Begum Nargis Ji- Mother is always there to help children.
Surat Al Imran(Aayet no.107) in Arabic :-
” وَأَمَّا الَّذِينَ ابْيَضَّتْ وُجُوهُهُمْ فَفِي رَحْمَةِ اللَّهِ هُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ “
Surat Al Imran(Aayet no. 107) in English :-
” Wa ‘Ammā Al-Ladhīna Abyađđat Wujūhuhum FafīRaĥmati Allāhi Hum Fīhā Khālidūna “
No fake promises. Qurani and Sunnat Genuine Advice.
5. After that read Surat Al Falaq(Aayet no.4) for 176 times.
Surat Al Falaq(Aayet no.4) in Arabic :-
” وَمِنْ شَرِّ النَّفَّاثَاتِ فِي الْعُقَدِ “
Surat Al Falaq(Aayet no.4) in English :-
” Wamin sharri alnnaffathati fee alAAuqadi “
6. Wamin sharri alnnaffathati fee alAAuqadi
7. Now blow on the Bowl.
8. Then put some Sandalwood powder in the Bowl.
9. Use the water in the bowl to take bath.
10. Read this wazifa for continuous 21 days.
11. Within 21 days you will notice the results.
Precautions to be followed while reading this Wazifa :-
1. Start reading this Wazifa on Friday.
2. Make sure that no one can disturb you in between reading Wazifa.
3. Do not reveal anything about Wazifa to anyone.
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